70ML Foaming Bottle with 30 mm Black Foam Pump with Clear Over Cap

Box Qty/Box Total Qty Total Weight
{{ pcsPerBox }} {{ totalQty }} {{ totalWeight }}
QtyPrice (Per Unit)
1 - 6240 27.36
6241 - 12480 25.31
12481 - 24960 24.62
Fill Volume 70ML
Color Clear
Material PET
Neck Finish 30 MM
Industries Cosmetics
Application Face Wash

This is 70ML High Quality PET Bottle with 30 mm black foaming pump with a dip tube.

The Bottles and Pumps are Packed Separately

Foamer pumps could be an excellent choice for dispensing a variety of products. These foaming pumps precisely mix liquid and air producing high quality foam with each stroke without the use of gas propellants. The smaller pump includes a clear plastic overcap.