White PP Plastic 43 MM Smooth Skirt Foam Pump with clear over cap

Box Qty/Box Total Qty Total Weight
{{ pcsPerBox }} {{ totalQty }} {{ totalWeight }}
QtyPrice (Per Unit)
1 - 5000 21.60
5001 - 10000 20.52
10001 - 20000 19.44
Color White
Material Plastic
Neck Finish 43 MM
Industries Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics

This is 43 mm White foaming pump with a dip tube. it will comes with a protective clear over cap and the entire unit is made of polypropylene, which is highly resistant to fatigue and heat.

Foamer pumps could be an excellent choice for dispensing a variety of products. These foaming pumps precisely mix liquid and air producing high quality foam with each stroke without the use of gas propellants. The smaller pump includes a clear plastic overcap.