50ML White PP Airless Bottles With Clear PP Over Cap

Box Qty/Box Total Qty Total Weight
{{ pcsPerBox }} {{ totalQty }} {{ totalWeight }}
QtyPrice (Per Unit)
1 - 3168 36.50
3169 - 10560 34.68
10561 - 26400 32.85
Fill Volume 50ML
Color White
Material Plastic PP
Industries Cosmetic
Application Lotion

Size -50 ML
Dispensing Mechanism - Airless
MOC - Plastic Polypropylene
Pump - Plastic

Most Economical and Cost Effective Airless Bottles widely used for Cosmetic and Dermaceutical Products like Serums, Active Moisturisers and other skincare formulations
Opaque Body of the Bottle protects the Photosensitive Formulations from Sunlight and Airless Pumping from Air Oxidation